tuesdays with morrie, mitch albom

Travels with Morrie



On a recent trip to Europe I found the time to read a few books. But none was more enjoyable than one I first discovered back in 1997 when it was originally published. It was sitting around, yellowed and dusty, on my bookshelves when our younger daughter decided to borrow it. She gave it back to me to travel with as she found Morrie’s late life truths so profound, she thought I might like to be reminded of his words. She was right. Although I remembered a lot – including the inevitable, sad ending – I simply couldn’t put it down. What a favour Mitch Albom did us all when he took the time to publish the series of conversations that he and his former professor or ‘coach’ had shared. What a favour Morrie did us all by explaining so simply, so clearly, what really matters to create a rich life. I’m not sure that money is mentioned even once in the 188 pages. If it is, it’s never a focus. For someone like me who spends their waking hours trying to report clearly and usefully on the vagaries of our retirement income system, Tuesdays with Morrie was a wonderful reminder to stop, shut up and simply marvel at the twin gifts of life and humour.