Clooney, Biden and the question of age



Since the somewhat disastrous American Presidential debate on July 27, I’ve been trying hard not to have an opinion on whether President Biden is fit to recontest an election and (if successful) lead the United States for another four years. That’s not going so well. As Biden tries harder and harder to demonstrate his mental acuity and physical vigour he just seems to look less capable. And I find this extremely uncomfortable territory for someone like me who has been a member of the EveryAGE Counts campaign against ageism since it was launched back in 2018. I’ve always enthusiastically advocated the rights of any older person to do anything of which they feel capable.

Until now.

Now I believe, as do many much more seasoned commentators, that Joe Biden is simply past the time that he possesses the capability of delivering the 24/7 leadership that the American nation requires. Last week George Clooney (who, in tandem with Julia Roberts had raised nearly USD $50 million in campaign money for Biden’s re-election) joined the call for Biden to step back and let someone else step up.

The debate was disastrous not just for Biden’s lack of clarity and stumbles. It was disastrous because his opponent lied continually and failed to answer the question almost as often. Since then Joe Biden has made further mistakes when naming President Zelensky as Russian leader, Putin and his Vice President, Kamala Harris, as his opponent, Donald Trump. You couldn’t write this stuff!

But to get back to the core problem, ageism in any form repels me. But I think there is a difference here. Poets and songwriters remind us there is a season for everything. Joe Biden has had a very long and fulfilling political career, culminating in being the ultimate leader. Maybe part of all our missions as we age is to do others a favour and know when to step back. And if we’re unsure, take advice from those we trust so we have the wisdom and generosity to allow someone with better skills or credentials to do the necessary work. It seems it’s time, Joe.